What to Do When Your Partner Is Hot and You're Not

Ask any couple in a long-term relationship about their sex life and you're bound to hear something along the lines of, "It's not as hot as it used to be, but I guess it's still pretty good."
Waning sexual passion over time is the norm for every couple, says Pat Love, Ph.D., the author of "Hot Monogamy" and "The Truth About Love". But the change in desire is usually different for each person.

Desire discrepancy — when one partner has a greater sex drive than the other — is what emerges about 18 months into a relationship, when you're out of the infatuation stage, claims Love. This imbalance is why sex often goes from hot to cold in committed relationships.

Luckily, differences in sexual desire can be resolved and you can reenergize your sexual connection. The key is to appreciate and respond to "your partner's language of love," asserts Love, because "the way to get what you want is to give what your partner desires."